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Scrabble Dictionary Checker


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ZINC Is a valid Scrabble US word for 15 pts.

Noun. A bluish-white, lustrous metallic element that is brittle at room temperature but malleable with heating. It is used to form a wide variety of alloys including brass, bronze, various solders, and nickel silver, in galvanizing iron and other metals, for electric fuses, anodes, meter cases and batteries, and in roofing, gutters, and various household objects. US pennies minted after 1982 consist of a copper-clad zinc core. Atomic number 30; atomic weight 65.38; melting point 419.53°C; boiling point 907°C; specific gravity 7.134 (at 25°C); valence 2.

See the full definition by YourDictionary. Copyright © 2025 by LoveToKnow Corp.


More Playable Scrabble Words

Sometimes one word just isn’t enough. Need more Scrabble words for your letters? Scrabble Dictionary Checker has you covered with other playable options, plus definitions and scores for all the choices. These are some of the highest-point words you can make with the letters in your rack.

Dictionary image To check a word, just select whether you want the Scrabble US or Scrabble UK list of valid words, type in the word you’re hoping to play, and click on the magnifying glass.

Hit up our Scrabble Cheat tool for some help too! We’ve got lists of words it’s handy to keep in mind when you’re playing, especially some two-letter words that will help you play when you’re struggling to take your turn. And if you’re going for high points or a turnover of your rack, we’ve got some seven-letter words to shoot for. Good luck, and have a great game!

Tips to Choose the Best Scrabble Word to Play

The perfect Scrabble word for you to play depends on your goals for the game, but we’ve got some hints to help you choose:

  • Think about your next move. If you can, pick a word that leaves you with a great vowel or high-scoring letter to use next turn (provided your opponent doesn’t play on it, of course).
  • Use your high-scoring letters when you can. Choose a Scrabble word that makes use of those high points.
  • Try to place high-scoring letters on squares that multiply their score when at all possible. Some of your Scrabble word options will be better for this than others.
  • Don’t forget to have fun, no matter which word you choose to play!