Scrabble Tile C



Enter wildcards as "?"
Cheat image

Enter your letters, select any special requirements for your search (like words that start or end with a certain letter), and choose whether you want to use the Scrabble US or Scrabble UK dictionary.

Winning at Scrabble is now easier and more satisfying than ever with our user-friendly Scrabble Cheat. In addition to our handy tool, we’ve got a few other tips to help you find the perfect winning Scrabble words and dominate the board.

How to Use Our Scrabble Cheat

All it takes to win is a little help from the Scrabble experts at Simply Scrabble. Our Scrabble Cheat is super easy to use, gives you instant results, and helps you bring your best game - every single time. With us in your corner, you just can’t lose.

  1. Type in the letters: Enter what you have in your rack and any of the possibilities you see on the board. You can use up to 20 letters (and a minimum of 2).
  2. Choose your Scrabble dictionary: Pick Scrabble US or Scrabble UK. The choice is up to you!
  3. Pick your placement: Want your word to start or end with a certain letter, or contain a set letter? Just select what you need (or skip this step entirely).
  4. Choose your winning word: When you hit “search,” our Scrabble Cheat tool will instantly offer up all your word possibilities, arranged by length.
  5. Filter by length: Too many results showing up? Use the length filters at the top of the page to narrow them down.

Playing Scrabble online or at home has never been more fun. With a little help from your friends at Simply Scrabble, you’ll be unbeatable.

Scrabble Cheat

How Do You Win at Scrabble?

Our Scrabble Cheat is a great start to your next winning game, but it’s good to keep a few other tips in mind too. These are our go-to strategies for getting a high score.

Pay Attention to Bonus Spaces

Every Scrabble board has some bonus spaces that can help you max out your points. As you’re playing, try to keep your opponents from grabbing those bonus spaces before you do. It’s all about playing Scrabble defensively. Sometimes, this means jumping on the space when you have a chance, even if you could play a better word later.

Plan for Those High Value Scrabble Letters

Every letter tile has a point value, and some are way higher than others. Plan your game around those high value tiles, placing them on bonus spaces if you can. For example, if you’ve got an “X” (worth 8 points), you might want to put that on a triple letter score spot using a word like “minx” instead of “maxi.”

Save Your Blank Tiles for When You Need Them

Don’t just toss your blank tiles on the board when you have them. We love keeping a blank in reserve for when we really need to play the perfect word. Remember, you can use blanks in the Scrabble Cheat tool by entering a question mark.

Get to Know How Your Opponent Plays

Another way to play Scrabble defensively is to pay tons of attention to how your opponent plays. You can do this when you’re playing Scrabble online or in person; it’s just about looking for patterns. Do they always play small words just to retain control of the bonus spaces? Do they save up tiles for a long time? When you know how they play, you can thwart their efforts and beat them.

What Are Some High-Point Scrabble Words?

Some Scrabble words score tons of points. Even if you don’t have all the letters to play some of the highest point Scrabble words, it’s a good idea to keep them in mind. You never know what you might draw on your next turn, after all.

These are a few of the winning words we love:

  • Oxyphenbutazone - 1,778 points
  • Quetzals - 365 points
  • Flatfish - 239 points
  • Jazzy - 33 points
  • Quiz - 22 points
  • Jeez - 20 points

What Are Some of the Weirdest Words You Can Play in Scrabble?

Points are a big deal, we get it. Still, there’s some value in surprising your opponent with weird words they’ve never heard of or just don’t expect to see on the board.

These weird Scrabble words will have them grabbing for the nearest Scrabble Dictionary to check whether it’s a real play:

  • Paczi - a round donut, worth 23 points
  • Aquafaba - a liquid from beans, worth 22 points
  • Bokeh - the blurred part of a photo, worth 14 points
  • Quapik - a monetary unit, worth 20 points
  • Zax - a specialized tool for cutting roof tiles, worth 19 points
  • Qi - life force, worth 11 points

Use Our Scrabble Cheat to Be Unbeatable

Our Scrabble Cheat is the perfect place to start your winning game. Add in your own strategy and style, and we promise you’ll be unbeatable at the ultimate word game.